Jesús malverde
Jesús malverde

jesús malverde

Every year on the anniversary of his death a large party is held at Malverde's shrine. His shrine is in Culiacan, capital of Sinaloa. His earliest alleged miracles involved the return of lost or stolen property. Throwing a stone onto the bones was thus a sign of respect, and gave the person the right to make a petition to his spirit. His bones were said to have been unofficially buried by local people, who threw stones onto them, creating a cairn. Since Malverde's supposed death, he has earned a Robin Hood-type image, making him popular among Sinaloa's poor highland residents. Bachomo was an indigenous Indian rebel from northern Sinaloa who was captured and executed. Cañedo offered a reward for his capture, and he was betrayed and killed by former colleagues. Bernal was a thief from southern Sinaloa who later became an anti-government rebel. Writer Sam Quinones says that there is no evidence that the Malverde of the legend ever lived, and that the story probably emerged by mixing material from the lives of two documented Sinaloan bandits, Heraclio Bernal (1855–1888) and Felipe Bachomo (1883–1916). His body was supposed to have been denied proper burial, being left to rot in public as an example. In others he was shot or hanged by local police. In some versions he was betrayed and killed by a friend. He is supposed to have died in Sinaloa on May 3, 1909. The bandit succeeded, but this only pushed Cañedo into hunting him down. Īccording to the mythology of Malverde's life, Cañedo derisively offered Malverde a pardon if he could steal the governor's sword (or in some versions his daughter). His nickname Malverde (evil-green) was given by his wealthy victims, deriving from an association between green and misfortune. It was not until his parents died of either hunger or a curable disease (depending on the version of the story) that Jesús Malverde turned to a life of banditry. Jesús Malverde is said to have been a carpenter, tailor or railway worker. The profits of hacienda agriculture were enjoyed by the few elite, while the vast majority of the population, the peasantry, faced even greater economic strain. He witnessed his community undergo rapid socioeconomic transformation. During Malverde’s youth, railroads arrived.

jesús malverde

He is supposed to have become a bandit after the death of his parents, which he attributed to their poverty. He is said to have been born Jesús Juarez Mazo, growing up under the rule of Mexican dictator Porfirio Diaz, whose local supporter Francisco Cañedo ran Sinaloa. The existence of Malverde is not historically verified.

Jesús malverde